Monday, March 13, 2006

Listening to Reading #2 of the Virtual Book Tour Even as I Write This...

Life is good. I got my Virtual Book Tour Creator's Guide ("Podcasting Your Virtual Book Tour") squared away over the weekend, developed what I think is a very cool cover for the book, and got my material posted to -- I still need to proof it, but the project is just about ready to go out to the world. Woo hoo!

I've been feeling guilty for neglecting my "Fuel" edits, but I just had to sort out the VBT creator's guide before I could do anything else. I mean, for heavensake, I just needed to plug in the screen captures! Now that's done. {sigh}

That means I can focus on my "Fuel" edits -- more changes have come from my editor, so I'll need to tend to them. Still on-track for March publication (later this month). All things considered, there aren't *that* many changes to make, so I'm very encouraged.

I'm presently listening to the second reading of the book tour, to proof it and make sure I didn't flub up anywhere. So far, so good. I've had a couple of false starts to listening - I'd get 20 minutes into it, then get called away... listen to the first 20 minutes again, and get called away... etc. So, I fired up the laptop in the car on my way home, and listened as I drove. So far, so good. Total time is 47:18, and I'm now at minute 30:05. Woo hoo indeed.

I'm getting pretty psyched about this book getting out there. Listening to my podcast again, I'm reminded again why, oh why, we just love England. The memories are still fresh in my mind, even five years later, and we're looking forward to going back. Soon.

Listening to the story again, really gives me a different perspective. I think there is something to the oral history "thing". Hearing words read aloud gives them a different feel, a different sense. Part of me is reluctant to put my voice into people's heads -- I listened to Jeanette Winterson reading a section of "The Powerbook", and the feel of it was entirely different than what I'd imagined, which was a bummer, and it sorta-kinda ruined that book for me. But I think I'm doing the work justice, and anyway, it's up to others, if they want to hear me read the work or not, so I can't sweat it. This is a virtual book tour, after all. People tune in *because* they want to hear the material read aloud.


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